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Date:  24 Apr 2024
Company:  Greenpeace East Asia

그린피스 서울사무소 커뮤니케이션 담당(Communication Officer) 채용


[주요 업무]

캠페인 커뮤니케이션 대외 메시지 개발 및 커뮤니케이션 전략 수립

  • 캠페인 콘텐츠 스토리텔링을 바탕으로 언론 홍보 전략 기획 및 실행

  • 언론 및 소셜 미디어 게재 목적 캠페인 소재 발굴 및 내러티브 개발

  • 캠페인 관련 보도자료, 기고, 블로그 작성

  • 주요 대외 소통 대상 (언론사 기자, 방송국 PD 및 작가진)과 관계 형성 및 유지

  • 언론 및 온라인 미디어 동향 및 기회 분석 - 스토리 피칭 및 협업 기회 창출


[지원 자격]

  • 대졸 이상

  • 유관 분야(언론 홍보, 언론사 기자 등) 3년 이상 경력

  • 보도자료, 언론 기고 등 다양한 형태의 글 작성 능력

  • 언론과 소통 경험 또는 네트워크 보유

  • 한국어 능력 최상위, 영어 중상(해외 오피스 협업 기회 다수)(Must Speak&Write excellent Korean)

  • 해외 여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자


[우대 사항]

  • 전략적 커뮤니케이션 능력

  • 높은 수준의 협업 능력과 적극성 및 주도성

  • 그린피스 미션과 원칙, 가치 준수

  • 환경 문제 해결을 위한 열정과 책임감

  • 언론사 혹은 시민단체 / NGO 커뮤니케이션 부문 경험자 우대

  • 커뮤니케이션 관련 전공자 우대 


[입사 후 성장 과정]

-입사 초기에는 국제 환경단체 그린피스의 주요 환경 캠페인과 대외 커뮤니케이션에 대한 이해도와 역량을 높일 수 있도록 단계적인 교육이 진행됩니다. 국내 및 글로벌 연계 교육을 실시하여 전문적인 환경 운동가 및 커뮤니케이션 전문가가 될 수 있도록 적극 지원 및 육성 예정입니다.



- 2년 자체 기간제 계약직(그린피스 내부 규정상, 전직원은 2년 자체 계약직으로 입사. 2년이 도래하는 시점에 평가를 거쳐 정규직 전환 혹은 계약만료)



- 근무시간 : 09:30~18:00 (1일 총 7.5시간 근무(30분 단축근무), 주 37.5시간 근무)

- *work & life balance*를 중요시하며, 야근과 회식을 강요하는 조직문화가 아닙니다.

- 4대보험/퇴직금/단체상해보험/건강검진(30만원상당)/통신비(월4만원이상)/영어 및 직무 교육 지원이 제공됩니다.

- 연차 외 출산전후휴가, 육아 휴직, 경조 휴가, 유급 병가(최대30일), 재택근무, 안식월(3년근무시 1개월 유급), 공휴일 중복시 다음 근무일 휴가가 있습니다.


*영문 이력서(CV)와 영문 자기 소개서(Cover letter) 제출 필수

*조기 채용시 마감될 수 있습니다.

*이메일이나 소셜 미디어 등 다른 채널을 통한 지원은 받지 않습니다.

Purpose and Scope of the Job

Overall purpose of the job

The Communications Officer is responsible for leading the development and implementation of effective multi-platform communications strategies in campaign projects under the leadership of Project Leader. This position requires strong specialized skills and experiences in communications-related area, including knowledge of news industry, creating and pitching compelling stories, networking with traditional and new media, and utilizing tools and best practices to enhance Greenpeace’s ability on news making and building public support.

The post holder is line managed by the Head of Communications Unit or Communications Team Leader, and assumes significant responsibility in the development and execution of campaign projects, either in the role of Project Leader or works under the leadership of Project Leader. The post holder also assists the Line Manager in developing and implementing non-project communications strategies to achieve organizational goals and enhance Greenpeace capability to influence public agenda and build public support.

The post holder will usually work in a team composed of campaign, communications, action, research and fundraising staff. Effective decision requires integrated approach and knowledge. The post holder may be assigned to work in projects which involve other Greenpeace offices.

Judgment is exercised in leading and managing a project or an area of a project. Decisions made by the post holder significantly impact the success of the project. Discretion is exercised in handling confidential and sensitive information.

The post holder may exercise line management responsibility if required by the Manager.

Job responsibilities

Conceptual tasks, Strategy development and/or Project management

  • Champion communications in campaign and project planning. Lead the development of effective multi-platform communications strategies and tactics which are integrated in project plans, including collaboration with other Greenpeace offices if required.
  • Contribute to  Greenpeace long-term communications strategy and organizational strategies related to communications. Stay abreast of the latest trends in communications, traditional and online media, and identify opportunities to adapt Greenpeace work accordingly.
  • Direct and oversee the development of the communication strategies and work plan for the campaign projects. Coordinate the planning process in collaboration with other departments, Greenpeace offices and Greenpeace International to have project strategy, work plan and resource plan approved.
  • Provide communications-related inputs on the future direction of campaigns. Seek and recommend communications opportunities.


  • Coordinate and execute cohesive, creative and effective communications strategies, including task managing others and collaborating with other Greenpeace offices when required, to increase visibility of Greenpeace campaigns in traditional and new media, and enhance public support and alignment to Greenpeace campaign goals.
  • Identify opportunities for proactive and reactive communications in traditional and new media. Prepare press events and public communications materials. Contribute to the creation of visuals and compelling stories to support communications plans and activities.
  • Lead project teams, or individually, to deliver high-quality project outputs in line with the project plan. Determine priorities, assign responsibilities and task-manage staff (if relevant) within project work.
  • Build and maintain relationship with traditional and new media. Maintain media contact database.
  • Handle press inquiries and respond to public inquiries about campaign issues and other organizational matters. Build and maintain a sound general knowledge of all Greenpeace campaigns and issues.
  • Work with agencies, designers and vendors to produce content, creative tools and database for effective communications.
  • Act as Greenpeace spokesperson as required.

Support/ Coaching/ Leadership

  • Promote support within Greenpeace to advance campaign goals. Work with other teammates to organize actions, activities and other events when needed.
  • Coordinate timing of events to prevent conflict.
  • Advise campaign projects on their communication and/or supporter and engagement strategy.

Compliance/ Keeping Framework Conditions

  • Manage contractors as required in compliance with Greenpeace East Asia policies. Manage project budgets and expenditure responsibly.
  • Work closely with others, including peers in other Greenpeace offices, to ensure coherence of public messaging, alignment with Greenpeace global identity and values, and adherence to Greenpeace global communications protocols and standards.
  • Carry out proper evaluation of communications impacts in cooperation with project team members and analytics staff.
  • Oversee professional management of the Greenpeace image collection, copyrights and other creative assets.

Competencies Profile

Take Responsibility & Initiative
Coordinate & Implement Plans
Demonstrate Expertise
Demonstrate Resilience
Work with Others
Influence Others (internal & external)
Build Support (financial & non-financial)
Build Networks (internal & external)
Critical Thinking
Strategic Thinking
Strive for Result & Quality
Engage Supporters (financial & non-financial)
Make Decisions
Act with integrity

Skills and Expertise required

Communication related tools and software

Knowledge of trends and opportunities in communication especially social media.

Specific Work Environment

The position may be required to work under pressure and in physically or mentally challenging.

Be on call after hours and on weekends as requested.

The position works in a standard office environment, and is required to travel to other Greenpeace offices, campaign locations or locations where environmental problems require the presence of Greenpeace representatives.


Job Segment: Communications, Project Manager, Database, NGO, Marketing, Technology, Research, Government

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